I feel like I've been so MIA from my blog. It's so strange/interesting to look back on the things I'd written and how I was feeling in life. I love that aspect of blog keeping because I really enjoy reflection and (re)learning things from myself. I also added a new banner, done with a Lilly Pulitzer print in the latest issue of Southern Weddings magazine. love.
Since I've last written, honestly, my life has been BUSY. But when is it not, really? I still have no clue what I'm going to do with my life... yet, I'm still not worried about it! Haha. So since the larger aspects of my life are still fuzzy, I'll talk about the smaller bits -- the specifics! These will probably be scrambled and all out of order, but that's just how my mind works!
First off, my perfect little! Leading up to initiation, we have ceremonies each night for our littles! It's really special for the big to get to be there each day as your little becomes an initiated new member and actually be a part of this experience for them... So I was obviously really excited each day!
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Day 1: Picture of pledge class & symphony :) |
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Day 2: The prettiest girls wear pearls :) |
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Day 3: DREAMCAKE! Which I ate... because I'm a good big and didn't want it to go to waste since she gave up sweets for Lent! |
This week was crazy busy though. I've also had some crazy conflict in my life, which I'm kind of just hoping blows over soon because I have other things I'd prefer my attention to be diverted towards, like... things that make me happy! Something that made me happy this week was the chance to spend time with my loved ones. I got to see Laura and Thuy-an and Loan more than I usually do, even though I don't have any pictures from hanging out with them. And Laura is kind of an amazing cook so that was an amazing experience in itself as well. Seeing some of my favorite people always helps my heart remain a little more calm. In addition to this, I have the best mentees on THE PLANET. Please refer to picture below from my amazing Loannie.
I know everyone is jelly. Favorite candy and new album from one of my favorite men. That morning was so rough and immediately got better with the rush of love I got from people in my life. Most of which who didn't even have a clue what was going on. I'M SO BLESSED. WAAAAH.
I got to return the favor with my mommy too. We had a business dinner this week, where I got to meet a really interesting man who ended up coming into my class the next guy and really sharing some wisdom with us about doing your best, doing what you love, being passionate, and being true to yourself. Anyways, I got to bring home the floral centerpiece, which was beautiful!!! And we got this super fancy business card holders, and I snagged a couple extra for my mom and my menteeeeee. I'm also so grateful for my Goolsby Cohort. These people are the real deal and have given me so much love and support. It's crazy to think that people that I don't even get to spend that much time with love me and know my heart and are behind me. I love that sense of community. At the business week dinner, I also got to connect with a sister of a friend of my mentee, who happens to be in the lower cohort. She also went to a neighboring high school and it's crazy how that instant connection can be there just from those two simple things. I love it :)
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lovely Alaina <3 |
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Soo yeah, I'm the tallest person in my cohort. Haha only half of the gang. |
In addition to things that made me happy, this weekend was initiation retreat, meaning my amazing new little got initiated into our chapter and became a lifetime member of Alpha Chi Omega! My waffle (best friend) Thuy-an and I stayed up late, talking delusionally (well probably mostly me in that aspect), and woke up early to finish crafting for our littles.
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her basket & crafts from her biggie! |
her stitches! & thuy-an's bible and blankie! haha and purse strap....
her favorite scripture painting :') my favorite! It actually came out pretty wellll!!! |
After performing ritual, which though it can be long, I always love hearing because it reminds me of what amazing women our founders must have been, to create something so pure and beautiful and meaningful, we presented all of our hard work to our littles... and then ran to take excessive amounts of photos... obviously! My little Ayke really seemed to love her gifts and said my (excessively long) card made her tear up :') *TEARS* SUCCESS.
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How precious is she in her new stitch?!?! |
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my lovely waffle :) <3 |
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cutest little duo: Nana & Batul <3 |
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skeezy mo' = love <3 This girl right here is so lovable and wonderful. |
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crazy beautiful maisha! :* |
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adore this girl right here <3 |
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absolutely in love with my little! <3 |
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Us with our paddles from each other :) |
I honestly cannot express how EXCITED I was/ am!!! I love her so much and cannot believe how blessed I am to have her as my little. I had such an awesome time at the retreat this weekend with her and my other sorority sisters. So after we stuffed our faced with Rudy's, we left and went to have our retreat at the CUTEST cabin.
We roasted marshmallows and made smores around a fire where we were serenaded by our exec board. I especially loved the cabin because each room had lovely names like "hope" "charity" "faith", etc! There were inspirational prints lined along the walls! This one was my favorite :) Ayke's said something about how "Cleverness is not Wisdom" which sure did teach us a lesson. hahaha
Not to mention customizable room temperatures... which even though ours didn't work...was pretty bomb. I especially loved getting to find out what a snoop my little is after following her around with my tail between my legs as we explored each and every unlocked cabin in this nearly pitch dark little town. Soooo creepy. Haha but I had an awesome time and am so glad I got the chance to spend some time with my sisters that I hadn't gotten to be acquainted with in a while and spend more time with my amazing little!
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we're obviously extremely beautiful and meant to be.... |
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my paddle from my big (left) and from my little (right). Both SO beautiful from SUCH beautiful people :') make me so happy! |
Then, last night we had a speaker come to talk to the entire Greek community. His name was Jordan Burman and he spoke to us about his personal experience with his mental health issue of depression. He has been on Dr. Phil, Good Morning America, and the list went on and on. It was really great to see how he was able to turn his negative experience into something that could inspire and move others. I really wish he could come to know God better though. I know He could heal that part of him that's still broken, but hopefully that will come in time.
On another side note, it's so interesting... the people that you meet. People you would never be able to tell so much about a person without hearing them speak. I love my job because I meet so many interesting people that I never would have if I didn't ease drop on my cubicle mate's conversations. It reminds me of the movie I was watching this weekend, Life of Pi. It was great. It has so many hidden little morals in the story, which I really enjoy out of a film or book. Those small moments that make you go "ohhhh" and feel a tinge of comfort and a sense of something bigger than myself and a connected community of us all. I honestly cannot WAIT to travel. I see God making that a reality in my life very soon, which is so amazing because my heart has been aching with this desire and after praying to Him, I see Him making a way for me to be able to go abroad! SO EXCITED! Now just for the logistics of it.
AND I ALMOST FORGOT. Oh my goodness, Identity Theft. Here is some free publicity for them on my blog that might have a max readership of 5. This past Thursday, I WENT TO A BAR. To hear their amazing voices. Victoria, Alka, and I danced the night away... like literally, we were the only ones dancing. Or sober ones at least. A few old people would dance every now and then because the bar was literally swarming with them, which I honestly found to be really sad too... There were quite a few younger people in the back playing pool, who actually came to dance with us for one song haha but it was AMAZING and we actually got a picture with both of the lead singers.
My favorite song of the night, which we actually ended on? ROCK YOUR BODY. That's right. Backstreet boys. We went hard... and totally showed our age in a room of 35+ year olds, but IDENTITY THEFT LOVED US. Kisses were blown, sad faces were made, and everything as we made our grand exit.
I'd like to just randomly insert here that Navjot is my best friend and he also asked me to formal in the past week, but don't tell anyone because he still needs to ask in a cute way and I guess the rest of the world needs to still be surprised.
Then today, I met a young man, obviously another potential husband, Victor, at Office Depot; who though he had horrible taste in pens related my fear of a taking a chance on pens to taking chances in life in general, while simultaneosly "Brighter Than The Sun" by Colbie Caillat came on and it obviously was a sign. I told him how much I loved analogies and how he related this to the bigger picture and how I loved the song playing on the radio and he told me about how he loved me. Then, I woke up. & it turns out the pens were just okay, but I'm happy for that experience and bought a really neat mint blue box to house some of my cards and pocket journals there anyways.
It's crazy, but reflecting on my life honestly helps me to realize how amazing it is. Sometimes I feel like not that incredibleness is going on, but when I look back on this blog I see what an idiot I'm being and how much love and fascination my weeks are filled with and how blessed I am to have so many amazing, loving, incredible people in my life. Seriously. Wow. Thank you, God.
And last but not least, here's an old snapchat photo in response to Michael P. reminding me to resubmit my black application for review. He's always tryna help a sista out.
I LOVE THIS. And I love you. You and Ayke are perrrrfect <3 XOXOXO
ReplyDelete& I love YOU! You're perfect ;) XOXO
DeleteYou're such a wonderful person inside and out, I will be following this blog now cuz it makes me happy :)